
Game Dev Update (2015-03-14)

Finally got back to gamedev.

I'm going to continue where I left off with this space shooter game. The plan's still pretty solid and I want to see where I can take it.

Right now I'm still implementing basic mechanics, hopefully this time I can get over that hurdle. I have bullet-enemy collision implemented and messed around with particle emitters a bit. Other than that, not much.

The state of the code itself is horrendous. Right now it's basically one big file with memory leaks everywhere and no tests. Since it's still in prototype phase I don't want to start organising and optimising things in case I change my mind and have to constantly refactor; which will be a pain in Lua since it's dynamically typed.

I did spend a bit of time last week messing around with libGDX before I realised distributing a demo with a requirement on Java being installed would only deter people from trying it out.