
Website Update (2014-12-28)

I think I'm done with redesigning this website/blog. There's a lot of things I could improve on, mainly using HTML5 semantics and making sure everything's accessible, but I've spent enough time on it over the passed few days.

Overall, I can say I've definitely improved on structuring pages and keeping things tidy. Style-wise, I took a few leads off Google's Material Design guide and added subtle shadows to things of interest and removed every rounded corner.

The main frustration was making it the whole thing look personal since it is a personal website. I have a horrible habit of using bland colours and keeping things simple probably because I've always used generic designs as guidance. The Kirby background was the absolute last thing I added just so I could close this off and start something else.

Also converting existing markup, especially Tumblr's horrible templating, to the new, cleaner layout was a pain and took up most of the hours even though the end result looks pretty much the same.

I did notice that my portfolio is completely bare. I've never bothered to polish up any of my abandoned projects to showcase. I really should. For now, I might just put up some GitHub stats and visuals.

Love responsive. Even if it's a major headache to get working. Tumblr's Photoset Iframes are completely broken on iOS/Android and as far as I've tried, there's nothing I can do on my end to fix it.