
FrontierNav Update: 21 May 2023






Added maps for The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom.

These maps currently don't have any features, but they can be used for map notes. I'll be adding to them gradually, of course anyone else can contribute too.

TOTK is a really popular game so there are tons of maps and guides available on other sites. But I think FrontierNav can provide a better interface, it's just a matter of getting the data in.

Improving change request interface and process.

I'll be streamlining existing change request interfaces to make room for new features like comparing, reverting and commenting on changes. If you've used any Git hosts like GitHub and GitLab, this will be similar but data-oriented.

The end goal is to make the edit process similar to traditional wikis by giving trusted editors the ability to easily and safely merge change requests without having to wait for me to do so.

Some of these improvement are live right now. Here's what it looks like so far:

Walking through the recent change requests interface changes.

Thanks for reading.