
Weekly Report: 20th January 2020


Image Uploads

I've been working on making Image Uploads public this week which will allow users to add images to the data tables. Eventually, it will also allow other attachments like audio and video.

Most of the work involved moving away from path strings that reference manually uploaded files to dynamically generated file names which may either be:

I took this approach to avoid having abritrary files being uploaded by anyone. Moderating content on the internet is a pain so I'd prefer to avoid it by making things ephemeral by default. I'd also prefer not to pay for bandwidth on data that isn't useful, so only uploading when a merge request is created does that.

I implemented the process a few months back, but my main fear holding it back is the ephemeral nature of browser storage. As far as I know, browsers only really guarantee a few megabytes of storage, if that. But I decided to make it public this week anyway instead of sitting on it. Sadly, it didn't take long for me to start seeing the first QuotaExceededError.

I mentioned it before so I guess it's time for me to take my own advice: stop using local storage. It just isn't reliable for anything. It's a shame since there's clearly a lot of work being put into it by browser vendors, but at the end of the day it's a glorified cache.

I'll be removing the local step now and jump straight to temporary remote storage. Hopefully bandwidth usage remains below any limits.

Offline Support

Following on from my problems with browser storage, I don't think the recommended approach of implementing offline support for web apps is going to work with FrontierNav. That is, using Service Workers and the Cache API. FrontierNav has a ton of data, and the chances of it fitting in whatever space a random user's browser provides me isn't reliable enough.

So, chances are, the only way to get offline support is to essentially ship an Electron app which downloads 'game bundles' and stores it on disk without relying on the browser. A pretty large effort which isn't going to get done any time soon. Especially if I want to add mobile support. Unless if there's a sudden large demand for it, it's not going to happen.

Discord Integration

In my on-going research into finding ways to increase FrontierNav's exposure, I figured a great way is to introduce a Discord bot. One that can be added to popular Discord servers for users to query.

The downside is, unlike Slack, Discord does not support outgoing webhooks. I'll need a server connected to Discord 24/7 to process any queries. That's extremely wasteful and maintenance heavy compared to a serverless solution driven by webhooks. To make the most of it, I could also start introducing features for FrontierNav's Discord server to better integrate it with the web app and keep users informed.

I have some fears around overly relying on a third-party to keep in touch with FrontierNav's userbase. I did implement a simple real-time chat feature into FrontierNav for fun, but it's a lot of maintenance. Email is barely used and comes with its own burdens too. In comparison, Discord is already an extremely popular platform with solid features that comes with no financial burden. So, much like Firebase, it's too good to avoid.

Thanks for reading.