
Fuzzy vs Exact Search

Since I released the FrontierNav app, a lot of people were confused with the search system. The search currently uses "fuzzy search", meaning it looks for similar patterns to what you're typing and rates it instead of looking for exact combinations of letters. That's why you might not always get the results you're hoping for and why you get multiple results that don't seem to make sense (for a human being).

Fuzzy Search
Fuzzy Search
Exact Search
Exact Search

Take the above examples. The first is fuzzy, the second isn't. When searching for the "5th Gen Recycler", like a lot of Xenoblade X's nouns, they can be a bit awkward to type. So it's enough to just type roughly what you think it is rather than exactly with the fuzzy search. With the exact search, you need to be spot on.

I do think the fuzzy in this use case is a lot more beneficial for the search. It may be a matter of presenting the results in a more clear way to show the search is fuzzy, so that users can use it to their advantage.